How to Prepare for Sociology Optional during the Pandemic
Introduction The pandemic has managed to wreak havoc in all our lives. While the world has finally begun to process the depth of the problem and started the recovery process, the pandemic, along with the health hazards are not quite over yet and protocols must be followed strictly in order to ensure safety. Businesses have taken a toll and so has the life of students. With educational institutes being shut for over a year now, the students have missed out on a lot, in terms of their academic and extracurricular activities. The advancements in technology however, have come to the rescue and have managed to save the academic year for students. Online lectures and digital learning have grown quite popular recently and have managed to make the lives of students very convenient. UPSC candidates can also resume their preparation from the comfort of their homes now, through the internet. A lot of popular coaching institutes are offering online classes and distance learning programmes, m...